While the nation mourns the conflict underway in Ukraine, we felt it prudent to provide some financial insight on your investment portfolios.
At Brickley Wealth, we believe in global diversification. In keeping with this ethos, our portfolios extend far beyond our own borders. Investing internationally opens additional opportunities while potentially diversifying away US-centric exposures.
Russia is considered an “Emerging Market.” To put this into context, France is considered a “Foreign Developed Market.” While our investment portfolios do invest in emerging markets, our current portfolios have such a small amount of exposure to Russia that it is near 0%.
While our portfolios may have near 0% of direct exposure to Russia, the ongoing conflict will likely impact portfolios in other ways. Markets do not like uncertainty and we anticipate stock market volatility to persist, both domestically and internationally.
We caution anyone that is considering making drastic changes to their investments at a time like this. The time to make portfolio changes is when your life and goals change. It is not the time to make portfolio changes when events outside of your control are occurring.
Finances aside, it is a tragedy to witness what is unfolding in Ukraine. It’s a good day to keep perspective and to express gratitude.
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